Friday, April 13, 2007

LOGO design (Part 1)

Team Name : Wild Team
Company Name: Haragei

1. Daily Blogging to keep track of what's going on in the team work.

2. What to do:
+ Research relevant terms in the paper
+ Answering these question:
- What's the company?
- What're their characteristic?
- What do they sell?
- Who are their competitors?
+Brainstorm to come up with a Slogan
+Create a matrix table of relevant symbols (Nguyen & Dung)
- From the table, think of as many logos as possible (Group)
- Choose the best at last (Group meeting)
- Illustrate it! (Lam)

3. Presentation suggestion:
+Make real samples of Logo

4. Deadlines for each aim:
+Research complete ( Monday week 8)
+Meeting, define and solve problems (Monday week 8)
+Logo complete (Wednesday week 8)
+Practise for the presentation (Thursday week 8)

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