Once chatting with one of my friend, he chose the IM called "Doodle"...and i just "Wow", it's a painting interface in which you can draw whatever you want and Y!M will send every single line and curve you make to your friend immediately, moreover, you and your friend and paint at the same time. I love this one, you can find it the same with the painting tool in you computer.
And, yes, it raise some feeling and inspiration in me, then i've drown some image like you see above.^^
I like all types of color, there's no color is "not beautiful", the problem is that how you can make it presents its beauty! So, i love playing around with them, i like the contrast and colorful. Sometime, i recognise that, putting colors randomly does produce "something" nice. Maybe, that's the reason why, looking at the image painted by little children, i was shocked because of their choice of colors, innocent but really nice and impressive!